Friday, January 20, 2006

Just started a painting. A portrait sort. I don't know about it.

Attempting to portray someone's image has always scared me. To the right is the sketch and the start of a background. Not an incredibly interesting composition. I love Audrey Hepburn though. Hopefully it will look something like her in the end. There's also some new songs up on my myspace page. Yep. myspace. who knows what to think of it. Like it, hate it, love it, leave it, come back, whine about the "community", add no one, add everyone, still, it's the easiest way to have a website of sorts. Besides blogger of course, and iLife'06, which i don't have. I have '05, and for now that's good enough. For me.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Ep Out Now! Get Your Copy Before It's Too Late!

Realistically you probably have six months to obtain one. Though I would like to see them circulated quicker. So it ended up being 10 tracks and close to half an hour. For more details click the title and check the blog there. Notify me if you would like a copy. The covers are all the same, while the back and liner notes (if you can call a short paragraph or a couple sentences liner notes) are hand written, by me, and thus all different, as I don't feel like writing the same thing over and over again, but am too lazy to figure out a decent layout on my computer.