It took only three days. These were not days of constant reading, rather one of work, two of weekend, time spent with friends and family, three lunches and two dinners, somehow never a breakfast, a trip to the theatres to see "V for Vendetta" Friday (which was very good but I'm not here to write about it) and even wrote and recorded another song. My point is that reading was not the only thing I did, yet my most recent library checkout is probably the most compelling book of recent memory. Utterly incredible, I experienced happiness, heart wrenching sadness, I laughed out loud, I felt like crying (though I did not, though it wasn't far off) I wanted to tell everyone I know to read this book. Too bad so few read so it's hard to convince most of this books power. There is so much to describe that I know I can't, not right now. In fact I will tell you nothing of the book. I just urge you to read it. "EXTREMELY CLOSE AND INCREDIBLY LOUD" by Jonathan Safran Foer. I'm beginning to hold him as the greatest current author of fiction. Though my opinion means nothing more than anyone elses. Read.